Friday, June 13, 2008


so yesterday i had 3 roofers over and 2 electricians. turns out we're going to be able to do most of what they want done - so we're just going to do it to make sure it doesn't fall through!

we paid off the car yesterday, so that we will have the title for shipping it to Europe.

i called usaa today to put in a claim for the damage on my car (from two accidents - years ago!!) We will get that fixed with one deductible before we go.

i also found out from them that they can cover us while we're in Germany, at least on auto. Assuming that it will still be better than market rates there, too.

the moving company came out to do an estimate for us. He confirmed that we can include everything I wanted to in the air and storage shipments, and told me that they have their own storage facility, and the price will be right around the $200 per month that Adidas will be covering for us. we want to air ship:

changing table
high chair
diaper pail
clothes toys
car seat base
baby bath

and he said he thought that would only amount to 250-300 lbs. We're allowed 500, so we should be able to do alot of toys and clothes. That is good, because if decide to build in Germany, we may have to wait a while (5 months).

We're thinking pack teh house on the 14th and 15th of July moving out on Wednesday the 16th, which gives us one more day to clean the house.

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