Thursday, June 19, 2008

Oberammergau Passion Play

I was looking at a guide book I bought yesterday, and realized that we will most likely be in Germany in 2010, which is when Oberammergau will be doing there passion play again!

For those of you who don't know, or don't remember... In 1633 the townspeople of Oberammergau promised to reenact the life of Christ every decade in the year ending in zero, forever. The plague ended, and the original performance was done in a field in 1634. Since then it has become a much bigger deal and lasts 5 1/2 hours, but the town has remained constant in its sincerity to the pledge and the entire town participates.

We'll have a 3 year old, and who knows, maybe even another baby - but I would really like to go, even if we are only able to see parts of it!

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