Thursday, July 1, 2010

Poopy Party at our House!

Lulu stayed dry at school today, and also had her second poop on the potty.  Destined to be a star I tell you!  Here is the operation we have rigged up in the bathroom... this way she can go without help...

The step stool wasn't high enough, so we're using our storage box.  The step stool is then used for washing hands.  She can climb up on the toilet, but with the seat liner can't get sat down properly, this way she can get it all done alone.  The toilet paper has even been moved to sit on top of the can for spares...

I wanted to get her to do it on her own not just for my sake, but also because I know at school that she isn't likely to get the help she needs right away.  Hopefully this way she won't be scared to do it alone.  (Fortunately the potties are shorter there!)

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