Monday, July 19, 2010

Adidas World Cup Day 2010

Adidas hosted a World Cup celebration has a way of hosting a summer festival for their employees.  We went and spent the afternoon and had a blast.  We sported our orange gear of course.  They had rhinos, elephants, leopards, and all kinds of fun games, good food, and music.  It was really quite impressive!

First stop, bouncey castle!

This was cool, each kid got to wear a hat, and then go through the "jungle" maze to get a prize...

Oh yeah, they had zebras too!

The guys to the right were doing tricks with the soccer ball.  Luna helped them out by dancing nearby.

The elephants were awesome.  They weren't penned up - apparently they were movie elephants, so we were able to walk right up to them. Carefully, ofcourse.  One of them almost stepped on our stroller when he was backing up (we had left it standing...)

Snack time.  (I think they stripped a few trees bare...)

Bath time.

They drank straight out of the firehose, and held it in there for quite some time!

Luna got to touch one...

Bobby car track they had set up, we didn't do it, but looked like fun!

Luna wanted to try the rope swing, so we told her to stand in line, stay right behind the boy in front of her, and move when he moved...

It was hilarious... she was his shadow.  Bas and I were laughing so hard!

After chickening out once, she got back up there and tried again!

And what better to finish the day than a little dancing?

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