Friday, June 5, 2009

Window Boxes and other garden items...

I'm not sure what this tree/bush is... anybody know? The flowers look a bit like tea roses or something, but there are no thorns. I don't know much about shrub roses so it could be - or it could be something totally different!

They smell lovely!

This is something they like to do here with potted plants, and I managed to pick this one up for like 6 Euros or something, which was quite a deal. They do it with all types of flowers though, and sometimes they plant other annuals around the base - like petunias. It's a little dasiy tree!

This is the hydrangea that Joke brought for us when they visited on my Birthday. I planted it in a shady bed out front, hope it does all right - so far so good!

At least most of teh blooms are still there!

I wanted to put up window boxes, but finally decided that putting them on the windows would be too difficult, and they wouldn't get enough sun (our house faces north - and there is a ton of shade from trees.) But window boxes spilling over with petunias and geraniums seems so Bavarian... so I put them on our fence... now I'm just waiting for the sidewalk police to show up and tell me that I'm not allowed to do that!

Notice the mailbox... it says "U.S. Mail" on the side... kind of ironic...

1 comment:

Steve & Rachel said...

Hi Katie and Bas,
I think the white bush is YASMIN. Does it smell like chinese yasmin tea? I love it!

See you, Rachel