Monday, June 22, 2009

Netherlands - Day 2 - Kor's 60th Birthday Party

On Saturday we went out into the country to celebrate Kor's 60th birthday. Kor is Joke's little brother. It was gorgeous weather for a party in the country, along a canal. To welcome him everybody sang some songs, and created an island for him to sit on, then got in a "boat" to greet him.

Luna had lots of fun eating LOTS of candy and goodies. She even got to drink from drink boxes!
Here is everybody making "waves."

Everybody getting in the boat.

Eventually all the kids went swimming!

I love this picture.

Joke jumping rope!

1 comment:

Kor Al said...

Dear Kat,
Thank you for your beautiful pictures. It brings back the good memories we have about our party. I will give your Google blog adres to people who attended the party and have already shown interest in the pictures.

I hope we will get more pictures in the near future. We already recieved about 80 from Wim, included some beautiful pictures with you sunshine daughter Luna.

I will make the several pictures available foor everyone who is interested. All the best for you, Bas and Luna. And of course we will meet again.

Gerda who is reading while I write send you also her best wishes and thank you very much for your beautiful pictures.

Gerda and Kor.