The lighthouse, just outside of Rovinj... the Croatian coastline was originally a mountain chain, and when the ocean crept in during the last ice age, flooding the mountains, it left all these islands all over the place. Which really makes the topography quite interesting... as these islands drop off into drastic depth immediately off shore... the lighthouse island drops off to a depth of 30 meters within a stone's throw.
This was a little archipelago where we stopped for a swim - the first of many for the day... hey when you're in boat, why not?
Luna got tired of her "coat" pretty quick, but loved the boat! She feel asleep every time we were on the open water... to much wind I think!
After swimming in the islands, we headed up to the Limski Fjord - not, not in Norway... right there in Croatia, a real bona fide fjord. More of those mountains swamped in by the last ice age... and apparently formed by a giant glacier slipping away...
We stopped for lunch at the end of the fjord, had another swim, and got back on our way... it was soooooo hot!
Before heading home we stopped at a "pirate's" cave. It was high up on a hillside, and a great spot to view the fjord from. It also afforded us another chance to swim... it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot, we had to. Besides the water was so blue...
That's the boat down there!
And here are a few shots of the little bathing beauty...