Of course once we got there, the clouds came back and we were freezing the whole time we were walking around, but Luna was bundled up, so we had lunch at and then climbed the 50 meters to the top of the tower in the old Rathaus, where we got some great pictures. And since it's the middle of winter, there were no crowds - making the pictures even better! After that we walked around the city walls before heading back home.

This is the inner courtyard of the restauraunt we ate in.

It was built in 1596, and was originally a local patrician's house, just off the marktplatz.
Also in the restaurant...

Look who else I found!

Luna loves trying things on! Must be just like her Mom... more on this later...

This is the Rathaus, on the marktplatz. That's the tower in the background on the left. It was SO cold up there!! The tower is rather unique, because it has no foundation built uniquely to support it. It's weight rests solely on the roof gables!

These are the steps that go up to the top of the Baroque (front) portion of the Rathaus.

Pretty cool...

This is the ceiling...

A view from on top of the tower...

Idyllic, no?

Look who else I found!

Luna loves trying things on! Must be just like her Mom... more on this later...

This is the Rathaus, on the marktplatz. That's the tower in the background on the left. It was SO cold up there!! The tower is rather unique, because it has no foundation built uniquely to support it. It's weight rests solely on the roof gables!

These are the steps that go up to the top of the Baroque (front) portion of the Rathaus.

Pretty cool...

This is the ceiling...

A view from on top of the tower...

These are the buildings facing the square. This is one of my favorites.

Still getting better...

The bell in the tower... During the middle ages, fire was very dangerous in a town like this, because building materials were extremely combustible, and the streets of these towns are so narrow and tightly packed that fire could quickly and easily destroy a city. The night watchmen would stand guard in this tower to look for intruders against the city walls, as well as to spot any signs of fire. They rang the bell every 15 minutes to prove that they had not fallen asleep.

I like the color in this one...

But this is my absolute favorite of the day!

This is where we had lunch.

I guess the bakery is decorating for Carnival!

This is the most famous, and probably most photographed (painted, etc.) spot in Rothenburg.

This is where we carried Luna up in her stroller, before walking the wall back to where we parked. The stairs were treacherous, and we were probably crazy to carry her up there like that! (Oh and going down was even worse... didn't think about that one!)

All along the wall are stones with people's names, who have helped restore the wall over the years. No McKoys, but the Hatfields donated!!

Car driving through one of the tower gates. It is very cool to drive around the old town and through the gates in the towers. They must have filmed that scene in European Vacation here - where Chevy Chase gets the car stuck between the walls? It doesn't look too tight in this shot, but some of them were worse - and just pray there's not another car coming in the other direction!

Still getting better...

The bell in the tower... During the middle ages, fire was very dangerous in a town like this, because building materials were extremely combustible, and the streets of these towns are so narrow and tightly packed that fire could quickly and easily destroy a city. The night watchmen would stand guard in this tower to look for intruders against the city walls, as well as to spot any signs of fire. They rang the bell every 15 minutes to prove that they had not fallen asleep.

I like the color in this one...

But this is my absolute favorite of the day!

This is where we had lunch.

I guess the bakery is decorating for Carnival!

This is the most famous, and probably most photographed (painted, etc.) spot in Rothenburg.

This is where we carried Luna up in her stroller, before walking the wall back to where we parked. The stairs were treacherous, and we were probably crazy to carry her up there like that! (Oh and going down was even worse... didn't think about that one!)

All along the wall are stones with people's names, who have helped restore the wall over the years. No McKoys, but the Hatfields donated!!

Car driving through one of the tower gates. It is very cool to drive around the old town and through the gates in the towers. They must have filmed that scene in European Vacation here - where Chevy Chase gets the car stuck between the walls? It doesn't look too tight in this shot, but some of them were worse - and just pray there's not another car coming in the other direction!