Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ready to Roll-

So I've figured out how to publish custom blog backgrounds! Look out "Cutest Blog on the Block!"

No, just kidding - I will have to get Adobe Illustrator, and spend some time "reacquainting" myself with it, before I can publish truly original backgrounds - and even once I've done that, I'll have to spend some time building a cache of styles. BUT - I'm really excited that I figured out the technical part, because that's what I was worried about!

To see the latest background for this blog click the link (for all you subscribers who get this in email) It's a little blurry, because I had to blow it up from 900 pxls wide, but once I have Illustrator that won't be an issue...

I will need to get a domain name registered and then figure out how to run ads, and drum up some web traffic - but other than that - the rest will be fun!! I love doing the backgrounds - and I'm excited about doing design work on the computer again! I'm thinking of providing a fee based service where I do real custom backgrounds with people's photo's (like the one here now) - but keep it super cheap ($15?)

P.S. - If you want to learn how to do it - keep reading Blogaroozer... I'll be covering all of the steps in different posts!

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